Friday, January 20, 2012

Roots and Persuasion

This week has been one full of lots of new learning. We started our week by learning about the stations that we will begin next week. We also learned some about Greek and Latin roots and also began our Persuasive Unit. Here are just a few pictures of some of the things we did this week.

We have been working on our note taking skills together. Usually I will create a large anchor chart like the one above, and then the students are responsible for copying the notes into their Reading and Writing Notebooks. I always ask the question first, and then have the students think about it. Together we share ideas to answer each question that is asked.

After we completed our notes on Greek and Latin roots, each student was responsbile for completing a graphic organizer with one of the 12 roots that we learned about. They turned out great. Some of them are posted below. In each box, students had to write teh definition in a complete sentence, come with 5 examples of their root being used in a word, illustrate the root, and also take three of the words that they came up and use them in a contextual sentence. They all worked so hard on them!

This is what our notes looked like that we wrote in our notebooks.
I hope that you and your family have a great weekend! I am looking forward to another great week in 6th grade!

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

MLK Lesson

On Tuesday we had a great mini-lesson on Martin Luther King Jr. We first read the book, March On!, that was actually written by MLK's sister. The kids thought that it was really neat that MLK'S gave his speech so near to te Lincoln monument because both played such a big role in the fight for equality for Aftican American citizens.Below you will find some pictures of what we did in our notebooks and the students working hard. Sorry for the poor quality of the pictures, but I am always capturing them with my phone. :)

Saturday, January 14, 2012


Welcome to the new website for Miss Klohn's 6th Grade Language Arts' Classes! I will be posting at least weekly on the site, but possibly more often to share things about what is going on in room 117. On the right side of the site, you will also notice several pages that are available. The one that says "Websites to Visit" has tons of links to online games and resources that your student will enjoy. We will also be using the site in class to do some of our online learning! 

If you enter your email address in the "Follow by Email" box, you will be notified whenever an update occurs to the website. 

Miss Klohn