FAQ and Class Policies

In order to help our classroom run smoothly, we have the following procedures and policies in place within our classroom.

Tardies: Students are considered tardy when they are not seated when the tardy bell rings. Tardies restart each 6 weeks. However, 6 tardies in one 6 weeks period will result in Saturday School.

Late Work: It is highly encouraged that you turn in your homework and daily assignments on time. All students will be given a Lunch Detention for late work where they will need to complete their assignment. Late work will not receive a grade higher that 75%. After three lunch detentions due to late work, a student will then be assigned to after school tutoring with Miss Klohn where they will complete their assignment. Parents will be notified after the 2nd lunch detention is assigned through a phone call or e-mail home. After 3 days, late assignments will not be accepted. 1 daily grade will be dropped each 6 weeks. 

Absences: If you are ever absent, it is your responsibility to check the Absent Crate for your assignments that you missed. It is also suggested that you visit with Miss Klohn during Advisory, before or after school, or during lunch to get help with your assignments that you missed. For every day absent, you will have that many class periods to complete the work with no late penalty.

Leaving the Classroom: Students are encouraged to come to class prepared to learn every day. It is important to take care of business (going to your locker, restroom, office) during the passing periods because our learning time is valuable. Students will be provided with 1 pass per a  weeks that they may use to leave the classroom at an appropriate time. If students still have their pass at the end of the 6 weeks, it can be used for 2 extra credit points on their Accountability Grade.

50%- Tests, Projects, Essays
40%- Daily Work
10%- Accountability Grade

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