Thursday, February 16, 2012

Preseident's Day Online Learning

Today it is your job to learn more about 2 of the most famous former Presidents of the United States. 
George Washington, the 1st President of the United States

Abraham Lincoln, the 16th President of the United States
These two presidents have made very important decisions for our country that we still abide, or follow, today. 

Firs, you are going to watch a couple of videos about Presidents and also on just Washington and Lincoln. 

Watch the videos in this order. While you are watching the videos, you should take notes on your graphic organizer in your reading and writing notebook. Make sure that you are writing down facts and not opinions.

If you want to find out more click these links to read some information about the two Presidents.
George Washington
Abraham Lincoln 

Now you should stop and think about the research that you have found. Review your notes and figure out why Washington and Lincoln are both so famous. What are they remembered most for? Talk with a partner near you about this. 

Once you have talked with a partner and completed your facts page about Washington and Lincoln, you will need to complete the "If I was President..." writing prompt in your notebook. 

I hope that you learned a thing or two that you did not know before today! Enjoy your holiday for President's Day on Monday!

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